Camp Street Climbing


Camp Street Climbing

Bouldering Gym ● Indoor Climbing ● Blue Mountains ● Katoomba
Community Bouldering in the heart of the Blue Mountains
At Camp Street Climbing, we are committed to creating a space where climbers of all abilities can climb, train, play and of course, have fun!

Camp Street Climbing offers

  • Friendly atmosphere
  • Casual visits
  • Memberships
  • Classes
  • Walls at varied angles to suit a range of abilities
  • Kids Climbing Area

A great place to learn and to take your climbing to the next level.

Climbing at Camp Street has helped me climb the hardest climbs in the Blue Mountains.
Tom O'Halloran
OMG!! So so fun. I have met so many great people from training at Camp Street. Such a great place to climb and stay fit.
Andrea Hah
I train here everyday to keep me strong and agile. I can't get enough of it. Seriously the best place to climb in the world!!
Luke Hansen
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